Friday 28 June 2019

Marijuana for Epilepsy and Cancer

Many people are still doubt to believe the magic of marijuana. Some of them still keep believing that there is no pros of consuming marijuana for medical use. That is why many countries still ban the consumption and transaction of marijuana. There are still many ways to treat the diseases that are claimed to be better after marijuana treatment. In Asia, marijuana is still illegal. The only country in Southeast Asia that has legalized marijuana for medical purposes is Thailand. This legalization was carried out by the Thai parliament with consideration of various results of research that double and derivative substances could be useful as medicine for various diseases. The results of a study published in the journal Neurology. For example, it says that marijuana has an effect to relieve pain. The study conducted by Dr. Haggai Sharon from Sagol Brain Institute, Tel Aviv Medical Center, this shows the content of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana which has a role to relieve pain.The results of another study published in the journal The Lancet Neurology in December 2015 also showed that cannabidiol, the active ingredient in marijuana, could be used to reduce seizures in people with epilepsy. The study was conducted on 214 patients in 11 epilepsy treatment centers in the United States. In addition, the American Cancer Society has confirmed that marijuana can help to reduce nausea and vomiting for people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

Seeing the benefit of marijuana for medical treatment, there is no reason to ban because every patient has a right to get better. However, it is all up to the countries whether they have to ban or legalize. It is not easy to rule the legalization because there will be pros and cons. The thing is that marijuana could cure epilepsy and cancer patients should be considered by many countries who have high rate of cancer patients. Thus, if it is urgent to treat cancer, you can go to countries to get the prescription of marijuana to make you better. In Canada, there are so many online dispensaries to get AAAA Weed where you can buy weed online and you don’t need to worry about it because it has been legal in Canada to have transaction and used marijuana for medic. Cheap weed such as Death Bubba Strain is everywhere but when you need it for medic, you need to be careful in the prescription so it can boost your health properly too. Try to go to for more information about marijuana for medical use.


Sunday 23 June 2019

How Uruguay Managed The Rules of Marijuana Consumption

Although the rules are systematically made, some people still reject the rules. In a survey by Equipos Consultores, 58 percent of Uruguayans opposed the government’s plan. Opponents say that the release of marijuana will not only increase marijuana consumption in Uruguay but will also open the door for other drug use in the country. Whereas proponents of legalization of marijuana argue that smoking marijuana is not very influential on health, compared to cigarettes and alcohol. Cannabis is believed to cure various diseases. In some countries, marijuana is legalized for medical purposes, such as Romania, France, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. There are still many countries that oppose marijuana which is considered as illegal drugs and must be destroyed. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and several other countries in Asia are among the hardest to oppose marijuana, even for medical needs. It is always controversial. But despite the various controversies, by validating the marijuana trade, Uruguay is actually making a paradigm shift in marijuana at the international level, according to Pablo Galain, a senior researcher at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for International Criminal Law. The results of this policy ratification can be in the form of major failures, major successes or this policy will be adopted by other countries and perhaps even by countries in Asia. However, everything has not been seen because it will start properly next year.

It is okay to consume marijuana for recreation in Uruguay but there is strict restriction of age. Under 18 is not allowed to smoke cigarette or consume marijuana. There will be firm charge and punishment due to it. Unlike in Canada, you can buy anything at anywhere. Canada has been loaded by full of marijuana sellers and users. We all know that it is illegal for having banned drugs like marijuana in many countries but not in Canada. Uruguay and Canada are just few countries which have legalized marijuana for useful treatment. Choose the best online wholesale dispensary Canada and look what you need. You buy weed online by mail order marijuana. As there have been many online dispensaries out there, you should need to considerate original and fake marijuana. If you want guarantee for marijuana you are going to buy, visit Make sure that you know what you are going to buy. if you want to buy it for medical use, it is good for you to consult with a doctor to make sure that you will not be wrong in choosing budbox marijuana you need.


Wednesday 12 June 2019

Health Benefits of Marijuana

Marijuana or weed is widely known as one of the illegal drugs in some countries. The use of marijuana can even make a person subject to a criminal article. However, for residents of other countries, marijuana is considered to be an object that can provide benefits to the health of the body. Reporting from the New York Post, Kath Guidance from Nimbin Hemp Embassy, ​​an organization that promotes marijuana use states that like other green vegetables, marijuana also has healthy nutrients such as calcium, iron, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin K. By consuming cannabis juice regularly, your body will get anti-inflammatory benefits, making your mood better, while preventing seizures and nausea. Kath also mentioned that marijuana leaves are rich in protein, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, and omega 6 fatty acids. According to him, if marijuana juice is consumed regularly, the health benefits obtained will be equivalent to if you adopt a healthy lifestyle. What’s interesting is, several studies have succeeded in proving the positive impact of cannabis consumption such as preventing the arrival of Alzheimer’s, dementia and epilepsy.  In fact, a man from Australia who had suffered Crohn’s disease for years but regularly consumed marijuana juice claimed to be able to reduce the pain caused by this disease. “Various conventional treatments cannot control the suffering of Crohn’s disease that I experienced.

People have lost more than 25 kg in just a few months due to this disease. After starting to consume marijuana, various symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, cramps, and flatulence began to diminish, It is said the man from Australia. Such comments should have been the way to validate the use of marijuana. If you think hard about the benefits of consuming marijuana for health, then it is really okay to buy weed online as a routine. If you have such problems, then marijuana could be one of the best solutions for you, then buy for it. Online dispensary has been everywhere in Canada. You can choose any online budget buds dispensary that supports the variety of products for health. You don’t need to think twice when it has come to health problem that needs marijuana as the medical reason any any weed related products such as weed grinders and rolling papers. Think about your health and just go to to buy cheap weed what you need. Marijuana has been such a magical plant for some patients who finally feel recovered after having marijuana as the treatment and replacement of mainstream medicine that only results a positive progress.


How To Talk To Your Doctor About Cannabis

Perhaps you have had a poor Experience revealing cannabis usage to a physician? Did a physician’s attitude toward cannabis affect the stand...